Spiritualism is a religion, philosophy, and science that celebrates Eternal Life recognizes that our true nature is spirit and, as such, we continue to live after physical death in a higher dimension known as the Spirit World. As spirit, we can communicate and commune with one another and with those in the Spirit World through the link of love.
Spirit communication is not unique to Spiritualism. It has existed since human beings first walked on the planet and will exist long after our own steps are no longer imprinted in the sands of time. Spiritualism is life itself, here and hereafter, and it exists naturally whether we call it a religion or not.
We practice the religion, we espouse the philosophy and demonstrate the science when proving survival. In other words, we practice and live Spiritualism as a religion. We understand the truth and teachings of Spiritualism as a philosophy. We demonstrate and prove the phenomena of Spiritualism as a science.
As a religion, Spiritualism is both rational and spiritual. It encourages our intelligent and individual search for truth; our personal responsibility for the consequences of our actions, thoughts, and words, and are striving toward love, truth, and harmony.
As a philosophy, Spiritualism seeks to establish truth as evidenced in Gods Natural Law and discerned in the Seven Principles.
As a science it endeavours to demonstrate that spirit manifestations are observable, quantifiable and verifiable.
But above all, Spiritualism is a way of life.
Spiritualism has no founding prophet, no dogma, creed or scriptures. Since the initial manifestations that marked the advent of Modern Spiritualism at Hydesville, New York, in 1848, to this day, Spirit has continuously revealed itself through the dedicated services of our mediums in order to teach, guide, comfort, encourage and heal.
Spiritualism is founded on observable facts, irrefutable evidence and truth not blind faith, but sound knowledge. The individual search for truth is the prerogative of every Spiritualist. It is a search that requires intelligence, curiosity, discernment, spiritual aspiration and, often, a sense of humour.
As a way of life, Spiritualism engages our entire being in an effort to attain our true spiritual nature, our highest and best, a higher ground from which to live our lives. This is not simple. It requires a conscious effort to think good thoughts, to speak kind and loving words, to reach out and help those in need and to act for the good of all concerned. It also means to honour our God-given gifts and share them with others. Essentially, it is to live in joy, give generously, show loving-kindness toward all, appreciate Gods creation and be thankful for everything.
Spiritualism addresses the deeper questions of life. For those of you who are willing to live by its teachings, it will open the way to higher levels of consciousness, uncover the hidden treasures of your soul and reward you with the companionship of spirits in this world.
Muskoka Spiritualist Church
Our church operates on donations you can donate by e transfer Muskoka.Spiritualistchurch@gmail.com Charity # 835121344 Tax receipts issued for donations over $20.00.
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